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LuckyDraw Software

Version update:[]2016/7/11

Download the official website:

XP system patch download (such as the XP system can not run, please download the patch file):


Exquisite background image download:

Music download:


Official website link address:



Software features/英文版抽奖软件特点:

Support by the numbers, letters, Chinese characters mixed names, cell phone number, ID card number, and other lists; to support the picture photo;

Support generation number, support Notepad import, import of electronic form, picture folder import;

Support the interface drag and drop functionality, drag the mouse;

Support for privacy protection, can shield some characters (such as mobile phone number 13306667777, shielding part of the character after 133****7777);

Support draw list a key upset;

Support draw list a key to remove duplicate data;

Support can choose to repeat / do not repeat the winning;

Support full screen display / any size display, support split screen display, support LED large screen;

Support laser pen draw, support draw button;

Support software automatic operation;

Support for automatic generation of numbers, can automatically delete the numbers do not want to appear, support from TXT or Exlce to import the lottery, to support the draw list to fill the space to make the same length;

Support list display, print, download, save, winning display page custom settings;

Support for drawing activities cover function;

Support extraction result page display or caption display;

Support intelligent memory function, not afraid of power outages, crash, etc., after the abnormal situation of re running the software can be followed by a draw;

Support void of win a prize in a lottery number, fill evacuated lack of places in function, if the lottery process is not to accept the award can according to the treatment of Qijiang, re fill award extraction;

Support the custom interface, all parts of the interface (title, winning people, etc.) the font size, text, color, location, background, etc. can be manually or automatically adjusted;

Support the same screen with multiple numbers (text) scrolling extraction, can be customized at each time the number of simultaneous (while the number of the number of awards, while the number of arbitrary rolling);

Automatic save function after interface changes;

Support custom draw sound;

Support for the lottery log, each time the results are saved in the lottery log records.





Software setup interface:











Software running effect:




Contact us:

Harbin network into a technology Co., Ltd., specializing in the development of a variety of customized software

Taobao web site:

fixed telephone:0451-86630452

Mobile phone:138-9577-3951


QQ: 3366577255

Wangwang: qiuchangqing

Address: Harbin Harbin Chinese Tallahassee Avenue Jin Jue Vientiane No. three building 1606 room

微信号 微信号



LuckyDraw Software

Version update:[]2016/7/11

Download the official website:

XP system patch download (such as the XP system can not run, please download the patch file):


Exquisite background image download:

Music download:


Official website link address:



Other web sites:

[recommend] the official website to download:

Baidu SkyDrive download:



Software reviews:
